This is our Maycie at her first appointment with Fit Well. This is the end of February beginning of March. What a good mom am I that I don't have an exact date! Sorry!

This is her 6 weeks ago the day before we got the second helmet. She was still tilting her head and you can still see the flat kind of spot over her left eye. Better then when we started but not there yet!
This is Maycie today. Her head tilt is pretty much gone and her head shape is so much better! We go to the Plastic Surgeons office tomorrow. I'm sure we aren't done, but look how far we have come! I look at these pictures and know that we did the right thing!
This is her 6 weeks ago the day before we got the second helmet. She was still tilting her head and you can still see the flat kind of spot over her left eye. Better then when we started but not there yet!
Hi Brook! My mom is actually the grandma you guys ran into at the library :) My name is Chelsea and my seven month old son Ben is just getting started with his helmet. Thanks for doing this blog, I bet a lot of parents will find it interesting and comforting to have a place to ask questions, and find support during this crazy helmet experience. If I can be of any help please let me know.